Welcome family and friends. Feel free to sign the guesbook below to say hi to Izzy, we'll be sure to read your letters to her while she is resting and getting better.
Thanks for your thoughts, prayers and well-wishes!
Don & Angela
7:35am, July 1 - Izzy has been sedated and on her way to surgery. Children's has inter-operative MRI so this means they'll take scans throughout the surgery and they will know exactly where they need to be with high accuracy. This also means because MRI scans take some time the procedure will take several hours.
9:20am, July 1 - First MRI scans have returned and surgery is underway.
11:40am, July 1 - We have learned the tumor has been removed and the second MRI scans are beginning.
12:30pm, July 1 - MRI scans look clean, initial pathology confirms DNT (good news), and Izzy is being moved to ICU
2:15pm, July 1 - Izzy is awake and though groggy, seeming like her normal self. She'll need to be in the ICU tonight for close monitoring, but from what we can tell the surgery seems like it was a huge success!!
4:15pm, July 1 - Izzy passed a Field vision test for the neurology resident and she did great. She is aware of herself, speaking and remembering names. Needs rest but otherwise doing great.
9:48pm, July 1 - Will be in ICU for the night. Will be sure to update tomorrow. Thanks for all the support and kind words.
7:32am, July 2 - The surgeon was by for rounds. He said that she is doing great. Will move her out of ICU today.
11:00am, July 2 - Izzy is moved out of Intensive Care and into the neurological unit of the hospital.
1:50pm, July 2 - We've heard the preliminary pathology is DNET for the tumor which, though not official, is very good news.
3:30pm, July 2 - Izzy walked down the hall with the physical therapist which was amazing. She's very tired but so far she is doing great. Hard to believe she had brain surgery yesterday.
July 3 - We are HOME!!! Looking at Izzy and seeing her back to her normal self, it is hard for us to believe that it has been only 48 hours after her procedure. Izzy has been passing every test with flying colors so the doctor’s felt that she was well enough to come home for the most important part of her recovery - TLC from family and friends over the next few weeks. Her recovery so far has been quite a miracle and we are so thankful for it.
THANK YOU all for your prayers, love, encouragment and support. This difficult journey has been made possible through your support and we feel so blessed to have such a loving and caring community of family and friends. - Angela & Don
July 8 - We can’t believe that it has been only a week since Izzy’s surgery. Izzy is doing so well
that it does not seem real that she had brain surgery.
Her energy levels are back to 95% and as instructed by the doctors we are taking things as easy as possible at home. The hardest thing now is trying to keep Izzy back from wanting to go, climb and
jump. The incision is nice and clean and healing well and with her long hair, you can hardly tell it is there.
Simply put, we have been amazed by her recovery and it is marvelous to see Izzy back to her old self. We are humbled by the amount of love and care all of us have been receiving prior, during
and after her surgery. We are incredibly THANKFUL for such an amazing recovery and for all your prayers and support.
July 27 - Three and a half weeks later Izzy had her followup with Dr. Keating, the neurosurgeon, and he cleared her for normal activity. This is just amazing news. Izzy celebrated by jumping on the trampoline as soon as we got back home.
A month ago we had no idea what to expect. Would she have any side effects from the surgery? Will she remember her name? Will we have to worry about would speech or vision issues? Will the surgery solve her seizures? So many questions and so much uncertainty. And just in one month, it hardly seems real that we went through this much distress.
We are so thankful and amazed at Izzy's super speedy recovery and that she is the same happy little girl she was before the surgery. We are so thankful for all the visits from friends and family, delivered meals, encouragement and prayers. You are all so INCREDIBLY AWESOME, thank you for your support and we are so blessed to have you each in our lives.
Don, Angela, Izzy and Tristan
Check back as we willl post updates here.
So relieved to hear that Izzy is recovered! What an ordeal for all of you!
So pleased and thankful for her fabulous recovery. Glad she is back to her usual self and on the move. Lots to be thankful for.
Our prayers have been answered! So happy for Izzy and your family.
Paige and the Brennans are thinking of Izzy today and so glad she's doing so well! Paige can't wait for a playdate as soon as we're back in town next week and is free with no camp all week :-)
What an incredible journey. What a strong and cutest lil girl!
I am glad it was quick with excellent results!! Big gentle hugs to cute Izzy!
So happy to hear such good news. Can't wait to see you all again. Much love, Keren
Thanks for the update! Although it was a frightening experience, it reminded us of how good our God is! Love to all of you, ma
Great to hear that....we are very looking forward to seeing and playing with her.
Bauti and Santi
That is great to hear. Many kisses for Izzy!
We are so relieved to hear that is he came through the surgery well. I hope that the recovery is a smooth as possible. Love, the Boyacks
Awesome news! We are so glad to hear that Izzy is doing better. Arav send her his regards as well.
So glad to hear that things are going so well! Amazing that Izzy got to go home so quickly! Hope the good news continues!
Dear Izzy,
I'm so happy you are feeling better :)
Dear Izzy, we have been thinking about you and are so happy your recovery is going well. You are such a strong girl! Siri can't wait to play with you soon. Wishing you a wonderful summer!
Hooray! So very glad that this is behind you! How very strong you are, surrounded by the strength and love of the best family, friends and community! Happy happy summer Izzy! :)
A whole week home with the family! Hope you get lots of rest and get to enjoy all of your favorite books and treats. Dana, Christine, and Lila are all thinking about you!
p.s. Don and Angela, we're thinking about you too. What a relief that things are looking up!
Dear Izzy--I am thrilled to hear that you could go home today. What a miracle!
You are a very special little girl, and so loved by all your family & friends. We will have to skype when you feel like it.Much Love from Grandma Marilyn in California, and Al too.
You are so strong Izzy! So glad to hear you are up and walking around :) Keep up the good work!
Love, Tanner and Jackson
izzy dear- we are thrilled to hear that you are doing so well! hooray! cant wait to get home to DC and bring you something yummy!
love pleasance, mel, saylor & milo
Hey little sunflower! You are strong and beautiful like that flower. What an amazing adventure this has been for you, and you have done so beautifully. Already up and walking--great! Soon you'll be
skipping. Can't believe that just hours after surgery you were telling me about movies I should see! You are amazing! So many of us praying for you, and our prayers have been answered. Looking
forward to a summer of fun for you. Sending lots of love, hugs, kisses, and more prayers from Fran, Grandma Emma, Emmett, and me. Zoe says Arf!
Glad to hear Izzy is doing good. Many kisses, Nevena, Branko and Novak
Way to go, Izzy !! Good job--walking already? You are the perfect patient!
Hugs, Sylvie, Naomi, Amy & Bill
Dear Izzy,
So happy to hear the news about the surgery. Lots of love,
Bauti, Santi, Maria and Luis.
So glad that the surgery went well! You have all been in my thoughts. Wishing Izzy a smooth recovery!
Izzy, get well soon, you are in our thoughts and prayers! We've been thinking of you all day yesterday and today! Can't wait to see you back home and have a nice play date with you! Lots of love,
Sasha, Ella and Iva and your neighbors
dear Izzy I hope you are feeling way better. You are very sweet and kind hearted. I am so happy that you are feeling better.I saw all of you'r other message that are so beautiful. How sweet you are.I
hope that some day i can be just like you. I love that you are awt of surgery and just sleeping.You'r derist frend jazz.
Hooray for Izzy! Out of ICU is great news! :). Xoxo
My darling Izzy,
I am thinking of you ALL the time! I miss you my beautiful little grand babe. I saw the picture your mama sent. You look like you are recovering very well. Thank God. I love you to the moon and back!
Praising God for this answered prayer!! Go Izzy - what a brave girl!! And Angela & Don - such brave parents!! Sending hugs from Sarah, Elynor & Annikah :)
You are a brave little girl,glad all went well.
Wonderful news! What a little trooper she is. Anna Bell, Deacon, and I are thinking about and praying for y'all.
Praise the Lord for He is good and merciful. Keeping you in our prayers! Love, ma
Olivia, Miles and I are praying for you Izzy! We looking forward to seeing you soon and Olivia says we have to bring you something PINK! Hugs!
So happy to hear that you are doing well! We hope for a speedy recovery and enjoying summer with you.
Happy to hear that the surgery went well. Hope your recovery will be fast! You will be strong and well again once you recover because you have great parents who are taking very good care of you and
all other family and friends.
Rejoicing with you over the success and good news. Brave sweet girl you will be enjoying your summer soon. Sending prayers and love.
Hello, Izzy,
Justin and I are so happy your operation is over. Did you know Justin had a big operation when he was little? It was different from yours, and your mommy can tell you about it if you want. We both
send you lots of get well love, hugs and prayers!
Justin's mom and Justin
So happy for the good news! Go Izzy!
We're all pulling for you and hoping for a speedy recovery with lots of hugs, smiles and ice cream -
Lisa, Dan and Abby
Fantastic news Izzy. We are thinking of you (and Mom and Dad). Sending you well wishes.
Izzy -
I'm glad it went really well. Hope you feel all the way better soon.
Great news!!
Izzy you are amazing and we are so happy for you!
Chip and Alison
Great news all around!!
What wonderful news, rest up Izzy, (and mom and dad) you'll be home in no time!
Good job sweet izzy!!! Sending our love
Excellent news!! Love to all...Mary, Steve and the boys
Go Izzy Go!!!
Sarah, Gary and Phoebe have been cheering you on all day! Stay strong little one. We love you!
Yikes, Izzy! So surprised and sad to hear you needed surgery... I was just thinking if you and Tristan and your mommy and daddy yesterday, and thinking how much fun it would be if We brought a Wubble
down; it's a really great toy that will make your parents crazy but you guys and Laura and Luna would have a blast with it. Maybe as soon as you're feeling better! I particularly like to make your
mommy crazy!
That's my girl...miss you guys a lot